Feet massager

This Medcursor feet massager has a graceful and aesthetic-oriented look, completely different from the products of competitors. Feet massagers are usually placed under the desk or in front of the couch in the living room, so Medcursor had a goal to design a product that would merge well with the interior.
The overall design has both soft and smooth lines for a friendly and appealing look as well as sharp and controlled edges to obtain a product that is neat and precise. The double chamfer that defines the frame of the product has been introduced to visually reduce the thickness of the massager, a detail particularly evident in this type of device.

Feet pads and the interface has a continuity obtained by keeping the same height of surfaces, the same color and avoiding large gaps between them. It creates a composition that is pure, clean and neat. One of the main goals of the project was to design an interface that would be easily reached by the toes of the user. The interface, located between two feet pads, is placed in the most visually accessible location. Extra large buttons can be easily pressed by toes. Feet pads are enriched with a minimal and geometric embossed pattern that also creates a grip and prevents the feet of slipping away. The whole product is tilted 5 degrees to be ergonomic for a sitting user to place his feet and enjoy the massage.