In the Char-oven by Fontana Forni every element and detail is built around functionality. The product is a union of innovative technical solutions and everything is designed to achieve the best possible user experience.
When Fontana Forni asked us to study the aesthetics of the machine, the freedom for designing was not many but we love challenges and we are at ease to extricate ourselves from innumerable constraints always finding different reading keys to give added value to the product.

We worked on every single detail, from the air intakes to the doors, from the hood to the support. The Char-oven is a performing machine where food and the cook are in the center of the show. The monolithic shape is intended in order to concentrate all the functionality of the product in the least possible footprint. On the hood, born as a black add-on element, the Fontana logo stands out, as an emblem on the hood of a car. The trolley is square and robust in its lines with the aim of aesthetically balancing the volume of the oven, creating an equilibrium of proportions.
Char-oven by Fontana Forni is “oven and barbeque” at the same time re-interpreting in a technological key the oldest cooking in the world, charcoal cooking.